Company profile

German fine work quality life

Originated in the 19th century, Delores specially designed and produced high-end materials for European royal families, which were also loved by royal members. It is a classic with special implication. It is not only deeply branded by the brand, but also has preserved the value of precious wood in the world for a hundred years, showing the magnificent style of European royal family. 

Delores carries the profound history and culture of Europe and inherits the glorious mission of Europe.In the meaning of classical flow, it contains the rich aesthetic expression of Delores - not only the casting of a floor, but also the vivid carving of the magnificent time. 

The continuation of the essence of history is like the inheritance of mission sense, and it is constantly creating life in the long run of Home Furnishing Art. Glorified by the song of time.

Delores, for dreams

More than 120 years of history

In 1896, Franz Deler organized logging workers and began to produce wood flooring strips.

Since then, the world flooring brand road of Delores brand has been opened. Under the leadership of Franz Reis,the second generation successor, the factory expanded and Delores entered a period of rapid development.

In 1911,the first mechanical floor strip sanding equipment was invented by dereris engineer.

As one of the top flooring brands in the world, Delores has a history of more than 120 years and has always been committed to the manufacture of top flooring. Today, after three generations of family inheritance, Delores is still enduring and world-famous.

Product technology advantages

Delores not sparingly uses the world's top materials and processes, and brings you luxury products in the flooring industry with high-tech production technology and craftsmanship. 

Company culture

精度.pngCorporate mission

The brand is born with the mission of "German precision design creates classic".

理念共享.pngCorporate values

Delores adheres to the core values of innovation, Seiko quality and fashion design.

钻石.pngCorporate Philosophy

Delores flooring has been adhering to the pursuit of quality concept.

Factory introduction

German fine work quality life

Delores not sparingly uses the world's top materials and processes, and brings you luxury products in the flooring industry with high-tech production technology and craftsmanship.

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